Choosing an advertising agency can be tricky, especially when so many claim to be the best, award-winning, most creative, cost-effective, committed, ROI-focused…

Unfortunately, the question ‘What is the best advertising agency in the Midlands?’ cannot be answered with a single, definitive response.

Yes, it’s nice to see what the agency has done for other companies. All being well, they are companies like yours. But many agencies put their creative conceptualisation and design work out to external sources, so you can’t be sure that the agency is doing the work themselves.

Additionally, an agency’s portfolio may only show work that clients have selected. Many agencies, ourselves included, have created stunning visuals and memorable, creative themes which a client has not selected. we can’t show them in public, because it will betray confidences.

The number of awards that an agency has gained might also sound impressive. Whilst it’s great to have your ego massaged by your peers, many agencies simply do not have the time (or inclination) to enter such awards. So, for ‘award-winning’ you could read ‘not got anything better to do except hawk our best design round the awards circuit’.

And this is just the creative side. Effective advertising relies on getting the right message to the right target audience in the right way and at the right time. There’s lots more to successful advertising than creating a nice-looking advert; headline, copy, media selection and overall promotional strategy need to be right too!

In choosing the best advertising agency in the Midlands, we would suggest that you consider what you need and how best the agency’s approach and philosophy suits you. By all means take a look at what they have done, but you really need to know what they can do for you, so give them a call and have a chat. You’ll soon form an impression of how committed they are to working with you and whether they are looking for a short-term, fee-earner or a long-term partnership where they are committed to getting the best for you.

And if you’re really struggling, I suppose you could give us a call!