At Publicity Services we often get asked how to judge if a logo is a good one or not.

We thought we would put together a few brief thoughts on what we think you should look for in a logo to be sure it is going to do what you need it to.

Any logo is a representative symbol which will echo what a brand is all about. It is a shortcut, a visual cue and a trigger to something much larger. It should convey the core brand values.

A good logo needs to have the following qualities.

It should be:


A simple logo can be used at all sorts of sizes from social media icons through to building wraps. If it’s simple it will be easier to remember. A good test is if you can easily draw a recognisable copy of the logo. A complex logo could be difficult to reproduce in all the situations it needs to be used in.


The logo should be appropriate to the industry, the organisation and its audience. It doesn’t have to spell out what the organisation does (see Apple or BMW). It should work in context. However there are many examples when organisations have broken out of conventions to create a striking identity.


A great logo is flexible in it’s application and should really be able to be applied by anyone, even someone who is not a designer.


Many of the biggest brands have logos that have been around for years and, with the occasional tweak to update, any good logo should have the same potential.

Distinctive/memorable/striking not bland

A good logo can’t be confused with other logos from competitors in the field.

A logo is just the starting point for a brand’s visual identity and a good one will set the tone for everything else that follows.