Much as we deprecate the lack of a marketing function within any size of company, the fact is that many organisations have either never had a marketing function, cannot justify a full-time marketing resource or have closed marketing departments down in order to save money.
Whether you are a start up enterprise, small business or medium-sized enterprise, and whatever the reason for not having a marketing function, marketing is vital to the success of your company and should not be ignored.
Here’s a way that you can maintain a marketing strategy without having to commit to full-time, or even part-time staff: Simply give us a call!
Our executives have more than 30 years’ experience in marketing and marketing communications. Available for one-off projects or on a sustained, contracted basis, our executives can provide you with your own, dedicated marketing manager; effectively a freelance marketing manager. They can work at your premises or remotely, whichever suits you best.
We can devise your marketing strategy for you, then implement and manage all aspects of your marketing activity, including market research, marketing communications and budgetary control.
You will find our executives are friendly, straight-talking and honest. They will undertake your marketing as if they were one of your employees, always with your best interests at heart. And, thanks to our reporting systems, you will remain in control every step of the way, with all expenses quoted prior to being incurred and no nasty surprises on the invoice.
Give us a call for an informal, no obligation and absolutely confidential chat.